When you graduate or leave The New School you may opt to migrate content from your New School accounts to a personal account. Content migration must be done prior to the last day of your account access.
Here's a list a data transfer options available for Google Apps:
Gmail accounts offer an option to download all mail to your computer via POP or IMAP access with a local desktop client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird.
Google Contacts
Each email account allows users to export the contacts list in a CSV or vCard format.
Google Calendar
Google Calendar offers the ability to download an iCal file to your desktop (limited to calendars that are publicly shared), or you can download all calendars in your 'My Calendars' list.
Google Drive
Downloading or transferring Google Drive files to a personal account can take time depending on the amount of files you are trying to transfer.
There are a couple of ways to transfer your files from Google Drive:
Save your documents, spreadsheets and presentations to your hard drive
Download and archive your Google Data to be used in another service (This method utilizes Google Takeout - IT Central has no insight into Google Takeout or any of the potential errors you may encounter if using this tool and is unable to assist individuals through this process. Please see this troubleshooting guide if you encounter any issues.)
Copy content from your school account to another personal Google account
*Please be aware that copying content from your school account to a personal account may not transfer every file. When Google fails to transfer an email or file, you will receive an email with a list of files that did not transfer that looks like this:
Unfortunately, Google will not display the file name that did not transfer, but the number of failures corresponds to the number of “- null (null) entries”. The only way to determine which files failed to transfer requires comparing what is in your New School account with what is copied to your personal account. Usually, larger items and unusual file types are the cause of failures.
Once the file that won’t transfer is found, it will need to be manually downloaded:
Google Sites
If your site is private, you can share your site to allow individual people to view or edit your site. If your site is public, your site will already be viewable by anyone, but you can share your site to allow other people to edit your site. Here are the instruction for sharing your Google Site.
Google Forms
Google does not allow the transfer or migration of Google Forms to other accounts outside of the New School domain.