Who can use the Fax Online service?
Any faculty or staff member of the New School community with valid NetID username and password can access Fax Online and use it to send a fax communication. To receive a fax through Fax Online, you will need to have access to a central office account associated with a New School fax line. Access to these fax lines are owned and managed by an office administrator who delegates to whom access may be granted based on a qualified business need.
How do I log on to Fax Online?
Faculty and staff members can log on to fax.newschool.edu using a NetID username and password.
How do I send a fax?
After logging on to Fax Online, simply click the button labeled New Fax. Fill out the information prompted by the Create/Edit Fax page, and click send.
Note: Faxes are created in the “Main” system folder unless you select a custom folder before creating a new fax.
How to retrieve an incoming fax?
All incoming faxes are received by a central inbox associated with your office’s fax line. Individual faxes may be retrieved by ‘delegates’ of the central office inbox. Delegation access is granted by your office manager. When you login you will see a list of inboxes to which you have access. Click into the central office inbox to review/retrieve incoming messages received by that line.
How do I get access to my office’s Fax Online inbox?
Central office fax inboxes may be accessed by ‘delegates’ of the fax line. Delegation access is granted by your office manager. Please coordinate access directly with your office manager.
You can view the office's Fax Online inbox by clicking on the fax number in the left column of the main screen.
How do I print my fax?
You can download fax messages directly from Fax Online to your computer’s storage. From there you can print the message just as you would any file saved to your computer.
How can I remove a fax from the central inbox?
You have a couple of options. As a delegate, you can delete the incoming message from the central office inbox after downloading it to your computer. You may also elect to ‘route’ the message from the central office inbox to your personal fax inbox. This allows you to maintain a record of the incoming message without leaving it in a central shared inbox where other delegates may view it. Please note that all restrictions/recommended practices pertaining to the safeguarding of sensitive/confidential data apply.
How secure is Fax Online?
All communications/transactions conducted on Fax Online are qualified as fax transactions. Please note that all restrictions/recommended practices pertaining to the safeguarding of sensitive/confidential data apply as they would with a physical fax machine. To that extent, you should think of messages lingering in the central inbox as you would leaving incoming faxes lingering at a fax machine in an open office environment.
What is the difference between forwarding and routing a fax?
When you forward a fax, the original fax remains in the inbox that initially received it. When you route a fax, the original fax is removed from the inbox that initially received it and will only be accessible from the inbox to which the message was routed.
Can I forward a fax to my email address as an attachment?
Yes. Faxes may be forwarded to an email account, however please note that information security restrictions apply and information appropriate for fax communication may not be appropriate for email.
How do I add a delegate?
Click on the office fax number in the left column. You will notice that the main inbox will look slightly different with the fax number highlighted to let you know you are looking in the office fax inbox.
While in the main office fax inbox, click on your username in the top right of the screen and select delegates.
Click on "add delegate" at the top of the page.
Click on the "search user list" button and search for the employee’s name.
Once you find the employee, click on the ID and then click the "add delegates" button.
How do I add a contact to the phonebook?
Click on your username in the top right of the screen and select “phonebook.”
Click the “new entry” button at the top of the page.
Fill out the required ID and Destination fields.
Note: The ID cannot have any spaces and is a unique identifier for the phonebook entry. The destination is the fax number that will be associated with the phonebook entry.
Click the save button at the top of the page.