Please use these steps to install and access the Cloud Remote Desktop Windows Client.
1. Navigate using the appropriate link below to begin
For Windows 64-bit
For Windows 32-bit
2. Select NEXT to proceed with Setup installation
3. Accept License Agreement
4. Choose a location to install
5. Select Finish to complete
The Remote Desktop will launch when the installation completes.
6. Remote Desktop Client will launch for access.
Remote Desktop Client will now be available for access.
7. Select Subscribe with URL
8. Subscribe to the following Workspace URL
9. Copy and Paste the Workplace URL:
10. Log in using your full Netid email (
If you have a New School email alias, please use it as your NetID email address.
11. Enter your New School account password
12. Select Your Manage Preference then OK
13. Select Done to complete
14. You will then be connected to the Cloud Desktop.