As a New School student you may reserve laptops.
Laptop Checkout
Where can I checkout a laptop?
New School IT has three kiosk locations for laptop checkout.
Arnhold Hall
55 West 13th St. 9th floor (next to i921)
Mac and Windows Laptops
University Center
63 Fifth Ave., 5th floor (room 501)
Windows Laptops
Vera List
6 East 16th St. 6th floor (in front of D606)
Mac Laptops
What are the hours for laptop checkout
When you checkout a laptop it will indicate what time it is due back.
The earliest a laptop can be checked out is when the building opens.
The latest that it can be due back is one hour before the closing of the building.
Who can checkout laptop computers?
Registered degree seeking students who are registered for the current semester.
What are the policies for borrowing laptops?
What are the fines associated with the laptop checkout?