Effective 11/7/2023 the following changes will be implemented:
The computer refresh lifecycle has been extended from 4 years to 5 years for a Windows computer and from 5 years to 6 years for a Mac computer.
IT will not be providing peripherals (i.e. additional monitors, mouse, keyboards, etc.). No exceptions.
The University has centralized the purchase of computers for all administrative and academic units in accordance with a 5/6 -year computer replacement policy, called the Laptop Choice program. This program provides full-time faculty and full-time/part-time staff with one Windows or Apple-based laptop, as a replacement to their currently assigned device.
This policy applies to all New School-purchased faculty and staff-assigned laptops, regardless of dollar value, with the exception of grant, research-funded, or departmental purchased devices. A “computer” in the context of this policy is defined to be a Windows or Mac laptop and does NOT include tablet devices, monitors, printers or other peripherals.
The Laptop Choice program will replace aging employee computer assets with a University-standard laptop.
The program is funded as part of the university's annual capital budget.
This program will replace one assigned computer per full-time and part-time staff and full-time faculty employees, every five years for a Windows-based laptop and every six years for a Mac-based laptop.
Individuals with more than one computer are not eligible for the Laptop Choice Program if they have an additional computer that is within an active 5 or 6 year lifecycle.
Computers for part-time faculty and temporary employees, including contractors, contingent workers, and student employees, will not be covered under this program.
Computers for use in university learning spaces (labs, classrooms, etc.) will not be covered under this program.
Departmental computers (computers purchased by the department) will not be covered under this program.
The standard computer for staff and faculty will be a Windows or Apple-based laptop. Any requests for replacement computers that do not fall within the standard configuration will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The employee may choose the platform (PC or Mac). IT Central will provide a recommendation based on each faculty or staff member’s needs.
Other requests for computers outside of the designated standards must be accompanied by a rationale explaining what academic or business activities necessitate a different computer.
If it is decided that an employee requires a laptop that costs more than the standard laptop designated by the Laptop Choice Program, the employee’s department will be responsible for covering the difference in cost beyond the standard laptop.
Requests for desktop computers, whether Windows or Apple, will be evaluated as non-standard requests and will also be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Computers replaced via the Laptop Choice program will be set up by IT Central with our standard configuration and suite of software
Specialized software not included in the standard configuration will be purchased by the requesting department. This information should be provided to IT Central prior to ordering the laptop to ensure compatibility. Any departmentally-purchased software from the previous computer to be installed on the new laptop will require associated licensing information.
The assignment of computers is done by position. When a new staff member fills a vacant role (aside from newly-created positions), they are expected to use the computer previously associated with that position. New incoming full-time faculty members may choose a new laptop when they begin employment.
Computers replaced through the Laptop Choice program will be fully supported by IT Central - including software and hardware repairs - throughout the 5 or 6-year life cycle of the device.
University-issued computers have a three/four-year warranty. Departments are not charged for repairs to equipment under warranty. If the equipment is no longer covered or if there is a deductible associated with the repair within the warranty period (accidental damage) then the department must pay for the repair. Users with non-New School approved manufactures and/or models will have to contact either the manufacturer or the vendor who sold the equipment to obtain hardware replacement services directly.
Approximately two months prior IT Central will send each employee and their supervisor a notice that they are eligible for a computer replacement. IT will work with the department to answer any questions, as well as schedule and plan the replacement(s). Due to budget adjustments, this timeframe may be adjusted depending on program needs.
Program details are coordinated with the individual and IT Central. Every effort will be made to provide a flexible installation schedule that causes minimal workflow interruption.
Laptops and other computers purchased by faculty members as part of a research and/or grant funds are independent of this program, though such purchases must still be coordinated by IT Central.
The computer being replaced MUST be returned to IT Central when the lifecycle is complete. This is to eliminate possible data breaches, the security risk of having these devices on the New School network, and to properly condition the computer for re-use or eWaste.
Notes: Any questions about the above policy or the Laptop Choice process can be directed to IT Central: