Effective 11/7/2023 the following changes will be implemented:
The computer refresh lifecycle has been extended from 4 years to 5 years for a Windows computer and from 5 years to 6 years for a Mac computer.
IT will not be providing peripherals (i.e. additional monitors, mouse, keyboards, etc.). No exceptions.
Laptop Choice is a Computer Lifecycle Replenishment Program for full-time faculty and staff. In concept, it’s a very simple program. The Laptop Choice program provides each full-time faculty and staff member with one laptop (only)-a Windows or Mac laptop.
What is the Laptop Choice program?
Laptop Choice is a Computer Lifecycle Replenishment Program for full-time faculty and staff. In concept, it’s a very simple program. The Laptop Choice program provides each full-time faculty and staff member with one laptop (only)-a Windows or Mac laptop.
How does the Laptop Choice program work?
The program was originally conceived with these key features:
One other item of importance: this program is designed to be flexible and agile. As our technology ecosystem changes, so may this program and the offerings.
What are the goals of the program?
What is included in the program?
NOTE: extra monitors, keyboards, mice, and other accessories are not included. Accessories may be purchased with departmental funds.
How will the program change due to budgetary constraints?
Computer refresh lifecycle has been extended from 4 years for a Windows computer to 5 years and from 5 years for a Mac computer to 6 years.
My computer is really old! How do I get my new laptop?
IT Central and the department manager will communicate which computers will be up for a replacement for the upcoming year.
Candidates will receive a chance to inform both their department and IT Central about their platform preferences.
What is a standard laptop?
Faculty and staff can choose between a standard Mac or Windows computer.
What if the standard laptop does not fit my needs?
If the standard laptop options do not fit your needs your manager will notify IT Central and a consultation process will occur and the department will need to cover any additional costs associated with a non-standard laptop request.