How to Access the Cloud Desktop Web Client


Instructions to access Cloud Desktop via the web client


Please use these steps to access Cloud Desktop via the web client. 

1. Navigate to the link below 

This will bring you to the Microsoft Sign In Page. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. Log in using your full NetID email ( and Password 

If you have a New School email alias, please use it as your NetID email address. 

3. You will be prompted to select if you want to stay signed in 

Select whether you would like to stay logged in. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

4. Once logged in, select the appropriate cloud desktop to connect 

There are different Cloud Desktop environments available depending on your role in the university, Faculty-Student Standard and Staff standard. Each environment has specific applications. For a complete list of available applications please visit the Cloud Desktop Application List [LINK FORTHCOMING]. 

5. Select the local resources to allow remote access to connect 

If you do not need to connect resources from your local device then uncheck all options and click allow. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

6. Enter your New School credentials to log in (NetID & Password) 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) 

7. You will then be connected to the Cloud Desktop 



Article ID: 36
Mon 11/25/24 3:17 PM
Fri 1/10/25 9:41 PM

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Cloud Desktop is a Windows-based virtual desktop interface (VDI) that provides a way to use a variety of university-licensed software, formerly available in specific campus locations, on any up-to-date computer, tablet, or phone connected to the Internet.