How to Print

This guide explains how degree-seeking, and summer intensive students, faculty, and staff can print using the standard black & white and color printers and open lab plotters on campus.

If printing from your personal laptop, before you can print you must first download and install our printing software.


Prepare your file for printing 

Many print errors are caused when the format of the document is not correct for the selected printer, or because of the document’s properties. 

Using the letter (8.5” x 11”) and tabloid (11” x 17”) paper sizes will work for the majority of documents printed on our B&W, Color, and Pro Color printers. 

If your document is A4 then you may still be able to use the print option window and shrink it to fit the letter size. If this is not an option, or does not work, then changing the size of the document itself will be necessary. 

If your document does not print, try saving your original file as a PDF in the page size on which you want it to print. Then print the PDF. 


Print from a Lab Computer or Personal Laptop 

You will need:

  • Your NetID and password 

  • A computer, either in the Technology Labs or using your own laptop on the newschool wifi (learn about how to connect to the "newschool" network.) 

1. Go to File > Print 

2. Choose the printer type 

Computer Lab Printer types 

Laptop Printer types 

  • TNS-BW 

  • TNS-Color 

  • TNS-Fast-Plotter 

  • TNS-Lib-BW 

  • TNS-Plotter 

  • TNS-ProColor 

  • TNS-BW-Wireless 

  • TNS-Color-Wireless 

  • TNS-Fast-Plotter-Wireless 

  • TNS-Lib-BW-Wireless 

  • TNS-Plotter-Wireless 

  • TNS-ProColor-Wireless 

3. Click "Print" (Mac) / "OK" (Windows) 

4. Enter New School NetID and password when prompted 

5. Confirm Print Point Amount 

Note: Print points will not be reduced at this time.  

You must now follow the directions below to complete the print process by scanning the QR code at the Printer. 

Use the Pharos App on your Phone to Finish Printing 

If you don’t complete the print process for a document within 4 hours it will reset, no print points will be used, and you will have to start again. 

1. Open the Pharos Print App 

2. Select a file to print 

3. Tap the QR icon in the top right corner 

4. Scan the QR code on the printer or plotter of your choice 

5. Confirm the Print Point amount 

6. Pick up your document(s) from printer 


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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Degree-seeking students and summer intensive students, faculty, and staff can print documents at a variety of printers throughout campus from either a Technology Lab computer or using a personal laptop.