

Degree-seeking students and summer intensive students, faculty, and staff can print documents at a variety of printers throughout campus from either a Technology Lab computer or using a personal laptop. 

Available To

  • Degree or Summer Intensive Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff

Getting Started 

If you want to print from your laptop you must install our laptop printing software. To scan the printer’s QR Code, verify how many print points you will use, and complete printing your document, it is recommended you install our smartphone app, Pharos Print. Click here to learn how to get set up.


Laptop Printing Software Support Report Issue: Open Lab Printers and Plotters Request Print Point re-credit Fabric Prototype - Print Order Form Large Format Photographic - Print Order Form

Service Offerings (5)

Laptop Printing Software Support
Laptop printing is available on all printers that have an IT QR code. The laptop printing software is available for download so that you may enable your personal laptop to print using the Print Points Allocation associated with your NetID.
Open Lab Printers and Plotters
Report problem with Open Lab Printers and Plotters
Print Points
Request Print Point re-credit for technical Print Output problems (the printer is not working)