Technology Labs & Printing

Access to and support for IT labs and on-campus printing services.

Services (7)

Cloud Desktop

Cloud Desktop is a Windows-based virtual desktop interface (VDI) that provides a way to use a variety of university-licensed software, formerly available in specific campus locations, on any up-to-date computer, tablet, or phone connected to the Internet.

Equipment Center

The Equipment Center (EQC) offers reservation and checkout of audio and video production equipment for field and studio use.


Degree-seeking students and summer intensive students, faculty, and staff can print documents at a variety of printers throughout campus from either a Technology Lab computer or using a personal laptop.

Remote Lab

Remote Lab is a 24/7 service and allows students and faculty to remotely connect to the lab computers from on-campus or off-campus. Academically relevant software is available on the Remote Lab computers.


The New School technology labs offer several different types of scanning formats including small flatbed, large format, slide, and film.

Technology Labs

Academic Technology open labs are available across campus providing Mac and Windows computers.

Temporary File Storage

Temporary File Storage, otherwise known as Drop Box, is a New School server where you can temporarily store files, as you move around from one technology lab computer to another.