The New School provides New School faculty, staff, and degree and credit-seeking students (enrolled in the current term) with subscriptions for the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications.
Student information system comprised of general student, registration, financial aid and student accounts
Hyperion connects university administrators to Banner data and gives them a complete set of tools to support administrative decisions by allowing ad hoc client/server querying, reporting, and analysis all in one application.
The Laptop Choice program provides all full-time faculty and staff with one computer (only).
Workday is a next-generation cloud based financial and human resource management software system that we have adapted to the needs of The New School as MyDay powered by Workday. It provides university staff with a way to oversee pertinent employee information, time and project tracking, procurement, and financial services.
Groups of faculty and staff with common projects can request shared network drive space
IT Central provides support for all New School administrative computers.
Some offices have networked printers that can be used via the Printer Manager.
Perceptive Content is a document management system that allows for secure digital access to documents from anywhere on or off campus.